In my dreams
I feel all alone
then I follow the light
and it takes me back,
all the way home.
The walls and halls
trap me back in
we play a quick game
and so it begins.
I look for times
when love stood still,
I follow
the pain,
the laughter,
and the love that I sought after.
And there it is,
I am home,
it wasn't too far
from where I come from.
Light Bulb.jpg
Baby Bella.jpg
In my dreams
In my dreams
I feel all alone
I feel all alone
then I follow the light
then I follow the light
and it takes me back,
and it takes me back,
all the way home.
all the way home.
The walls and halls
The walls and halls
trap me back in
trap me back in
we play a quick game
we play a quick game
and so it begins.
and so it begins.
I look for times
I look for times
when love stood still,
when love stood still,
I follow
I follow
the pain,
the pain,
the laughter,
the laughter,
and the love that I sought after.
and the love that I sought after.
And there it is,
And there it is,
I am home,
I am home,
it wasn't too far
it wasn't too far
from where I come from.
from where I come from.
Light Bulb.jpg
Baby Bella.jpg