@border_becky, Video, 10 minutes, 50 Seconds
The video @Border_Becky follows a social media controversy in which two students, Becky and Kyle, are caught in the middle of a protest while engaging in site-based research at the US-Mexico border. While in the midst of this chaos, the couple navigates the drama of their evolving romantic relationship. As they confront their own queer and class identities Becky and Kyle must rethink their understanding of the gender binary parallel within the context of the temporal binaries of the U.S./Mexico border. The video layers performative digital activism with the trauma that haunts those whose identity is not an optional performance.
Triathlon, 2020, 5 Minutes, video
Arizona/Washington DC
Burrofante, 2021, 3 minutes 42 Seconds, video.
El Paso/Juarez
Home Place (2021) , Sienna Collective,